
Books in the New Year!

I am no bibliophile yet, but a girl can aspire. My library may disagree though. We all three had to get cards (of a 50 book limit each) in our house just to keep up with the number of books we wanted to bring home each week. With very little access to a tv around here, we read A LOT!  We are wading our way through 3 chapter books right now with our daughter and my reading stack and list is ever growing. So much to do and learn! With that in mind, my mom was lamenting she never knows what books to get us, as we seem to go through so many books. I thought it was time to start our own "book lust" list of sorts. Books we would love to read again and again! While the library is great! (We love it and know our friendly librarian by name.) There are some books you just need to have around you all the time. So in the coming weeks, I will finally be updating my sidebar with our book list and making some crafty entries of months past as well. Here are just a few books we are loving right now:

Tobias and Pera are reading these pretty most often. They tend to get a new one each month they visit the Nordic Heritage Museum. I have to say I am excited about the introduction of chapter books in our home, it means I can sit with them and knit while Tobias reads. If you have ever heard him read a story or spin a tail you know this is a total treat. I might get through this February Sweater for me before say, June! For more on Moomin check out Tove Jansson's site.

We are slowly adding these books to our collection as well. In fact I would say this is Pera's favorite series right now. She was Jenny Linsky for Halloween (I had to add the tagline: The black cat from Greenwich Village, for most adults who stared at us blankly when they asked the question of every child at Halloween, "What will you be for Halloween?") Pictures to come.. Pera doesn't like photo sessions, and haven't quite got the photo I want to share with you yet...
Finally, Grandma came recently and brought this sweet little read. I think it is book #2 of a series? Any how much fun with all of Tobias' voices and reading fabulousness. More soon! What are you reading?



It has been a busy summer thus far. Trips to the beach, the island, grandparents. After this weekend we are looking forward to being home and simply living.


Where have I been?

We have had some serious rain, you think that would make for some good posting.. But lately I have just been focused on other things outside myself and have not made much time for this space. But rest asured there is more to come. You will have to bear with me just a little longer while we do a weekend camp out. Stay tuned!


looking down

I am spending a lot of time looking around these days.. Can't seem to get much else done. This weekend I am looking down. But these moments are worth so much more then getting something done.


Happy Spring

Here is a little spring bunny gal who likes to hide eggs and welcome flowers. The little orange haired girl I live with doesn't want her yet.. So for now she is content being my little spring friend. Hope spring is happening for you, or just around the corner..


knittin and sewin and crochettin and...

And spring keeps coming. So much to do!! We are working away on crafts around here, in fact when a friend recently asked Pera what she had been up to lately she responded: I have been doing crafts. (!! at 3:), her mama loves it!)

I don't have much to show yet, if you look closely there are some spring skirts in the works, more soon on that.. But for now here is a few pictures of spring and some finds we got at UW surplus. What do your spring days energize you to do?


Knitting and more

So much to make and so little time! A couple weeks ago I began taking this class to knit two socks in the round on one circular needle. It boggles the mind, who comes up with this stuff? The magic loop as it is called is a really wonderful  chance to use math and knitting together. My first forray in creating my own sock pattern based on my own measurements. Oh this could make for many a warm stocking to come. Pictures to follow soon. For now here are some things that are inspiring me as of late:

These oatmeal pancakes are devine: http://orangette.blogspot.com/2010/01/very-definition.html

This sweet little on line knitting mag: http://petitepurls.com/Fall09/fall2009_patternIndex.html

This little February sweater, which may need to be my March, April, May sweater: http://www.flintknits.com/blog/?p=151

And there is something frolicking around in my head about making little crochetted eggs for easter for Pera's little animals to crack out of whenever they please.

Happy Spring!