
knittin and sewin and crochettin and...

And spring keeps coming. So much to do!! We are working away on crafts around here, in fact when a friend recently asked Pera what she had been up to lately she responded: I have been doing crafts. (!! at 3:), her mama loves it!)

I don't have much to show yet, if you look closely there are some spring skirts in the works, more soon on that.. But for now here is a few pictures of spring and some finds we got at UW surplus. What do your spring days energize you to do?


Knitting and more

So much to make and so little time! A couple weeks ago I began taking this class to knit two socks in the round on one circular needle. It boggles the mind, who comes up with this stuff? The magic loop as it is called is a really wonderful  chance to use math and knitting together. My first forray in creating my own sock pattern based on my own measurements. Oh this could make for many a warm stocking to come. Pictures to follow soon. For now here are some things that are inspiring me as of late:

These oatmeal pancakes are devine: http://orangette.blogspot.com/2010/01/very-definition.html

This sweet little on line knitting mag: http://petitepurls.com/Fall09/fall2009_patternIndex.html

This little February sweater, which may need to be my March, April, May sweater: http://www.flintknits.com/blog/?p=151

And there is something frolicking around in my head about making little crochetted eggs for easter for Pera's little animals to crack out of whenever they please.

Happy Spring!