Pera is a girl of many wonderful opinions. One of the current opinions is no coats! We just went from having naked time all day every day to sock and hat weather. So with that in mind I decided to make her a little sweater with a pocket friend to entice her. The yarn is bamboo. I love the soft feel of it. Pera loves the rabbit friend. Hopefully we will get a few good wears in it before the really cold weather hits. (So you don't think this is all she would wear, it is an additional layer to go over pants and a shirt like a smock). The sweater pattern came from Lucinda Guy's, And So To Bed. The pocket friend is from Knitted Animals by Anne -dorthe Grigaff, which I got out of the library. It is going to have to go on my long list of books we just need to have in this house. In fact thinking this year for Christmas Pera will get books, books, books. There are so many great ones out there and with the change in the weather we are spending many a rainy morning in bed reading. Joyous! Happy knitting!
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