
A room for crafting

We have been in this place a few years but while it seems I can unpack most rooms, my craft space has sat in boxes for a long time. I have ideas, but I wanted to create a space on the thrift and wanted it to be a space for the whole family. Well for the holidays my sweetest of sweets found just what I was dreaming about. They are recycled, cheap and getting/giving us such a great second use. I think this bit of thoughtfulness in the gift department tops the charts (that sigh of relief in the background is the guy who lugged them from UW Surplus to our house, cleaned them and placed them with a big red bow by the back door for me to find). Now if we can just get some color on these white walls... Looking at the yards of fabric in the top cubbies, what color do you think should don the walls?


Patty! said...

superjealous of your lockers! I think it ll be cool to paint them lime green or sky blue!

Go Joey!

Seattle Grrrl said...

I totally agree! Would love to paint them.. I am a big chicken though seems like would want a pro to do with spray gun?