
my little dog

I have been working on this little guy for a while. He is my first attempt at creating my own pattern. I am still playing with some different ideas for the head and he definetly needs a little sweater to keep his skinny long body warm in the drizzly rains of Seattle. More pictures of this guy here. All that aside I am excited about the end result. Fun to make something on flat paper and see it take a 3 D shape.


Valentine's Confections

We are still in the throws of making V. day sweets long after the actual day is over. These sweet nothings are our latest makings. Kathryn helped us mix up these yummy treats. We all wore our aprons! Fun day. I got the idea for the powdered sugar hearts from this site.


The week after Valentine's Day

I had big ideas of doing some posts for V day and the projects I have been working on. But my own head gets in the way. I think, "I have to have photos to post with my log." And each day I realize this, at night, when I finally have a chance to sit still and think about such things.. Then I don't want to take more pictures in the dark. Something about lighting when you are taking pictures of sweet little doggies or chocolate sweet nothings that just call for a little sun. One could think that the Seattle weather is getting in my way, but it has been absolutely gorgeous here so I just need to find the time!

At the same time this blog is not just about crafts and things. Living simply is something we attempt to practice around here. Buying used or freecycling when possible. Recognizing the simple pleasures like swinging with your family at dusk, watching all the planes fly by and counting the stars one by one as they begin to pierce the evening sky. Bliss. So with that in mind I will begin to look at other ways of posting our day and not get bogged down with the thing, the photo, or the made object. And speaking of living simply we are so excited with the changes in recycling and yard waste (not so sure about the composting of meat and dairy though) pick up that are coming soon in Seattle. We have the smallest garbage can on the block already. If Pera would potty train already we would have no garbage!


A Few of My Favortie Things

  • These sweet little magnets I just got for my craft space.
  • These "fetching" fingerless gloves I made for the new mama in our family, Leah.
  • This little Pear Head.. Its like she knows Pera!
  • T shirts made by individuals here.
  • The global community of freecycle! How we can find a use or a re-use for any item, making our landfills smaller and inturn making things less disposable.